yihanghe 发表于 2003-9-24 06:30:21

初听Shure e5c (一)

  很早就想给er4s写一个测评,但是看到er4s的帖子很多,各位大侠各抒己见,小弟也就不凑热闹了。碰巧有一个朋友买了一个shuer e5c,被我拿来视听,就有了写这篇测评的想法。
  迫不及待得把他接上Earmax Pro,马上传出了天籁般的声音,低音潜得很深,十分干净,没有失重感。高音延伸得很好,而且细腻柔顺,这点很可贵,(er4s的高音我不是很习惯),中频我不多说了,与而er4s很像。(CD机是老爸的Burmester 917,CD是贝多芬的交响曲)
  E5c的阻抗是100欧,我用Sony d—100推他,声音放不开,比er4s还难推。

念苍僧 发表于 2003-9-24 06:50:29

很有意思,我前两天查询HEAD FI,发现有个哥们发贴说找遍了HEAD FI也搜索不到正面的ER4 VS E5的帖子,最后一个哥们帮忙查到了一个韩国网站,那上面有一篇大概是全世界暂时唯一的E5 VS ER4的帖子,那个哥们大概翻译就是

只爱陌生人 发表于 2003-9-24 07:36:39

最后结果是E5C 10/10 4S 9/10,随身系统比较(居然用NET-MD比的?)

Shure E5C Headphones Just Arrived
after reading plently about shure headphones e5c i decided to purchase from maddog his ..
well i have owned er4s and loved them .
I feel that these e5c are more speaker like , to me a very natural sound.
It would appear that shure have tryed to address all the problems that we have spoken about here about the ety&#39s
so cable noise is gone
bass is more speaker like
no more difficult to fit as er4s , these are very easy and i found that i could quickly take in and out of one ear.
let me remind you that there is no filters to puchase and remove with these.
I have found that er4s that are deeply and correctly fitted exclude far more outside noise than these. i have yet to try the optional 3 flange earplugs as in the er4s
I feel that there is less sybliance with the e5c , to me they just sound more natural. they are hard on poor recordings.

MadDog felt that these do not require and external amp and using my Ne*** Sony I took the time to do some Altrac standard speed recordings, so I would have the highest quality recordings .
anyway i have been using a mini amp from fixup and in this case the mini amp actually was heard to roll up high end frequencies against the normal output of the sony. There was quiet marked
difference here.

So regardless of cost these are 10/10 for me and i rate the ER4S at 9 in the sound department. Dont get me wrong er4s are just great and i would be happy to use them anytime. But these shure are just the next step . Please note i am a portable only listener.


股龙王 发表于 2003-9-24 09:28:39


小甲 发表于 2003-10-1 12:05:57

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