小熊猫清清 发表于 2019-7-3 12:56:21

Intona USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Isolator 隔离器 最新到店

本帖最后由 小熊猫清清 于 2019-7-22 23:14 编辑

特征新增辅助电源输入可由外部电源供电,通过micro-usb为耗能设备提供高达2000ma的电源。内、外电源自动切换。更多功能为USB总线提供电流隔离符合USB 3.0超高速(5 Gbps)和2.0高速(480 Mbps)向后兼容全速和低速2.5KV X2/Y3安全隔离高级防静电保护开箱即用,不需要驱动对主机和设备透明:与所有操作系统、嵌入式系统和设备的广泛兼容性也适用于集线器和扩展器支持所有USB特定传输和模式由USB总线供电,无单独电源超静音电源轨隔离,在高灵敏度应用中噪音更低(2x LT3045)隔离侧输出电流高达900mA使用辅助输入隔离的高达2000 mA输出电流国家合规性:FCC、CE、RCM、ICES-003IP 54铝外壳尺寸:120 x 30 x 70 mm

gerald_win 发表于 2019-7-9 05:12:05


战斗天使 发表于 2019-7-11 00:34:14


mrldt 发表于 2020-12-29 13:46:06


小熊猫清清 发表于 2020-12-29 14:00:29

mrldt 发表于 2020-12-29 13:46


zenzenzen 发表于 2022-6-15 03:56:22

最專精有效的產品: 德國Intona USB3.0 SuperSpeed Isolator隔離器
在數位串流時代開始時,USB介面是最先被廠商拿來使用哂玫膫鬏斀槊妫W路是後來的事了,USB雖然有較傳統數位介面更快傳輸資料的速度,並有傳輸電源與雙向溝通等能力,但同時間這些”優點”也引起了另一個缺點,那就是USB所帶來的雜訊與干擾也比傳統數位介面多上許多,如果隔離消除這些雜訊就成為提升USB Audio的一個重要關鍵,來自德國的Intona是最早專心致力於研發USB Isolator的廠商,2015年就已發表USB 2.0高速電氣隔離器。Intona在強大的技術與研發團隊支持下,擁有多項軟硬體獨家專利,其產品的效果也很快就在世界各地傳了開來,包括專業音響、家用音響都有許多用家。Intona的技術團隊也跟許多領域有所合作,提供各式各樣的解決方案與服務,包括了生命科學、醫療技術、測量實驗室、航空業、大學與研究中心等等。Intona USB Isolator至今仍不斷持續精進提升,我們評測的是目前Intona最新的USB3.0 SuperSpeed Isolator 7055系列。7055系列共有三種型號,外觀本體都是一樣的,全鋁合金箱體,差別在於:
7055-B: USB 2.0 Only, 5kVRMS AC isolation 隔離能力
7055-C: USB 2.0 + 3.0, 1kV DC isolation 隔離能力
7055-D: USB 2.0 + 3.0, 5kVRMS AC isolation 隔離能力若預算許可,當然是直上最好的7055-D,7055-C則是考量相對性價比的首選,至於7055-B,除非確定這輩子系統只會用到USB 2.0,不然是無需考慮的。在Intona之後,目前市場上也有其他品牌陸續推出類似的產品,不過身為元祖與擁有強大技術硬底子的Intona還是目前此類產品最具指標性的代表,根據官方提供的資料,其主要特點有:● 提供USB電氣隔離(Galvanic isolation)
● 支援USB 2.0高速480 Mbps傳輸
● 支援USB 3.0超高速5 Gbps傳輸(7055-D, 7055-C)
● 相容高速與低速傳輸
● 隔離能力最高到5kVRMS
● 先進的靜電保護ESD(20kV IEC Airgapdischarge)
● 直接可以使用,無需驅動程式
● 直通Host與器材(no-hub),相容所有作業系統
● 支援所有USB的傳輸與模式
● 無額外的往返延遲
● USB本身供電,無需額外電源
● 極靜的電源陣列隔離,線性整流
● 可選擇使用AUX隔離電源輸入(Micro USB)
● LED燈顯示咦鳡顟B與速度
● 阻抗控制高速線路設計
● 符合FCC, CE, RCM, ICES003規範
● 全鋁合金本體
● 德國設計與生產,Made in Germany

USB傳輸是很多數位器材必備的連接介面,在規格對應幾乎是最高的,而且能夠馬上用於家中常見器材例如電腦或是外接硬碟等,普遍性非常廣,近十年推出的DAC也幾乎都會有USB輸入介面,如果您是高解析音樂的愛好者,USB更一定是您最重要的傳輸介面。所有傳輸方式或多或少都會有干擾產生,USB傳輸更是經常被提出討論,相對應的降干擾或降噪周邊相當多,降低干擾對於音響發燒友來說這也是必備的準備工作。Intona USB Isolator體積不大,約莫一個香菸盒大小,有一些重量所以也算是相當穩固,使用方式極為簡易,從訊源處接收音樂訊號,再送出過濾完的音樂訊號給DAC,端子主要就是一進一出的兩個USB接口,而且不必再外接電源。輸入端旁有一個燈號,接上USB輸入後燈號會閃爍,再接上輸出端後,燈號便會常亮,此時便是正常咦鳡顟B。除此之外沒有任何需要注意的地方了。
聆聽測試時我們以Mac mini作為訊源,音樂檔案建立在本身的硬碟中,經由USB線材直接給予Weiss DAC做解碼,並藉由加入Intona USB Isolator(1KV)測試實際聆聽時能獲得什麼樣的改善。測試過程中多次直接拔插線材到Intona USB Isolator連接時非常順暢,馬上就能播放音樂,沒有任何耽誤。參考劉德麗的專輯《少女的祈丁罚诩尤隝ntona USB Isolator後,多首歌曲中都呈現更為凝聚穩定的聲音,尤其原來稍稍浮起的音像向下沉了一些,音像周圍的輪廓也較為清晰,在鋼琴聲、人聲中尤其明顯,原來有些音像邊緣模糊與雜亂感減少相當多。另一個明顯改變是音樂的強弱對比也比較明顯,例如劉德麗演唱時在一句歌詞中就會有弱音收斂再轉強,這部分在用上Intona USB Isolator後更加動態而且軟調弱音也更為嬌氣呢喃一些。凝聚力與細節更盛
再聽Aiza Seguerra的《Open Arms》,這次我加上的是Intona USB Isolator 5KV版本,他帶來的改善與1KV相似,在聲音凝聚力上有明顯增強,尤其是音像周圍毛邊減少了很多,有無使用的兩相比較下,會查覺到原來的聲音毛邊不僅是在音像左右兩側而已,甚至是在音像與聆聽者之間也會有。在第一首〈Vincent〉中的鋼琴聲也有相同狀態,使用Intona USB Isolator後琴聲的晶瑩的透亮感更彰顯,音像也更加凝聚明確,大幅減少原本有點散漫昏暗的感覺。Aiza的聲音本身比較低、聲線厚甚至帶點鼻音,演唱時投入大量情感,有著很真张c用心地演唱,這張專輯中不常展現高亢炫技,但卻是一流的演唱者,加上Intona USB Isolator以後人聲的精神感覺更好,相比下原來不使用時比較昏沉,細微的細節較少,被聲音毛邊給影響了大場面效果奇佳,非常推薦在由Duisburger Philharmoniker、Jonathan Darlington錄製的《Sinfonie No. 15 / Sinfonie No. 35 >>Haffner-Sinfonie<<》中,徹底展現Intona USB Isolator在大編制樂團下的全面改善。從金屬打擊的聲響開始就表現出更加晶瑩剔透、密度更高的聲音,整體樂團演奏時的定位更清晰,每一個位置的精準度更好,音場縱深層次更明顯,立體感強化猶如以2D平面模擬3D成了真正的3D表現。

zenzenzen 发表于 2022-8-20 09:26:19


zenzenzen 发表于 2022-8-20 09:29:23

https://www.stereophile.com/cont ... laneous-accessories

美国STEREOPHILE 2022 配件产品榜单,INTONA 隔离器上榜
Intona USB 3.0 Galvanic Isolator: $369 (cable not included)
This small module fits between a source component's USB Type A port and a D/A processor's USB Type B port. When HR first used it with the HoloAudio May processor, he "jumped back," he wrote. "The sound changed more than I expected it would." When he removed the Intona, "the soundstage was drier, flatter, and smaller. Instruments sounded plain. Reverberation on the recording was noticeably reduced. Music was less intoxicating." JA found no measurable differences in the output resulting from inserting the Intona between a MacBook Pro and various D/A processors. (Vol.43 No.8 WWW)

zenzenzen 发表于 2023-9-28 07:11:37


Recommended Components Fall 2023 Edition Miscellaneous Accessories
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Miscellaneous Accessories:
Audio Research Tube Damping Rings: $5 each
Damping rings for all AR products are now available to the public at large. They're made of a proprietary polymer material that converts kinetic energy to heat, and their improvements are not subtle, exclaims BJR: tighter, cleaner, deeper, more dynamic bass; more coherent transient attacks; crisper, more extended highs; plus "improvements in the reproduction of subtle gradations of low-level dynamics." Give 'em a whirl—the cost is minimal. (Vol.23 No.2, Vol.26 No.8)

AudioQuest binding-post wrench: $17.95
A great idea improved—similar to the original Postman, but with a metal sleeve reinforcing the sockets. (Vol.20 No.9)

AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ: $69.95
This aluminum-bodied version of the JitterBug performs the same USB noise filtering as the original. JA found that using a JitterBug FMJ with the Questyle M12 USB headphone amplifier, the presentation took on a tad more transparency, coupled with a touch more ease. (Vol.45 No.2 WWW)

Ayre Acoustics Irrational But Efficacious System Enhancement CD: $20
Ayre's test CD includes five tracks of various white, pink, and brown noise, as well as two glide tones that sweep from 5Hz to 20kHz. The disc produced a less electronic sound in JM's system, while lowering the noisefloor and improving microdynamics. "I am flabbergasted," said he. "Highly recommended."AD adds that this CD should be used "with caution, and with the understanding that, as with trying to measure a transformer with a DVM and unintentionally magnetizing the core, negative results may ensue and may take a few days to fade away." ST points out that "weird shit goes on in hi-fi. Don't dismiss it until you try it. I use this thing, too. Just don't play too loud." (Vol.33 No.12, Vol.34 No.2, Vol.36 No.10 WWW)

CAIG DeoxIT GOLD Wipes K-G1W-25: $25.95/25ct;
K-G1W-50: $45.95/50ct
These small pads are made of a slightly abrasive textile that has been impregnated with Caig's DeoxIT Gold contact cleaner. JM uses them on the outside of RCA jacks and on the pins of RCA plugs to treat corrosion, oxidation, condensation, and general grime. JM: "A small but powerful stocking-stuffer...You'll feel like a pro!" (Vol.25 No.12, Vol.36 No.10 WWW)

ETI Copper LINK (Bullet) Plugs: $129 (pack of 4)
ETI Silver LINK: $279 (pack of 4)
Originally called the Eichmann Bullet, this RCA connector uses a clever design in which the hot signal is conducted by a hollow rather than a solid pin, and where a smaller, solid pin at the connector's periphery takes the place of an unnecessarily massive ground sleeve. AD heard "a more open and explicit sound" with a "deeper, more open, and more inviting" soundfield. Silver Bullet Plugs made the difference "clearer, more explicit, and even smoother." (Vol.27 No.12 WWW)

Intona USB 3.0 Galvanic Isolator: $369 (cable not included)
This small module fits between a source component's USB Type A port and a D/A processor's USB Type B port. When HR first used it with the HoloAudio May processor, he "jumped back," he wrote. "The sound changed more than I expected it would." When he removed the Intona, "the soundstage was drier, flatter, and smaller. Instruments sounded plain. Reverberation on the recording was noticeably reduced. Music was less intoxicating." JA found no measurable differences in the output resulting from inserting the Intona between a MacBook Pro and various D/A processors. (Vol.43 No.8 WWW)

Littlite L-18-LED: $122.36
The latest generation of Littlite mixing-console lamps provides high-efficiency, long-life LED illumination; a rotary switch selects clear white or red light. JM finds the 18" version especially helpful near a turntable or CD player. (Vol.36 No.10 WWW)

Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth FM Booster: $549
We've left this on the list forever, because there's not much for FM fans these days, and because this unusual, niche product has shown amazing staying power. This is not your typical powered antenna amplifier. It's a notch filter that preceeds the tuner with 18dB/octave edges, so it amplifies only the signal you want—sort of a pre-tuner tuner with selective gain. You can use it to attenuate signals that are too strong, and if you want to hear stations that are easy to receive, there's a pass-through. Best with old-fashioned analog radio signals. (Vol.10 No.6)

Stabilant 22 Electronic Contact Enhancer: 5ml Field kit $44; 15ml ConceN T Rate Kit $92;
Originally sold by Sumiko under the name "Tweak, " Stabilant 22, a contact enhancer that comes in several forms, is now used in the automotive, aircraft and biomedical industries, among others. The most useful form for audiophiles is Stabilant 22a, in which the polymer-semiconductor-based contact enhancer is mixed with isopropynol to help it flow and penetrate connectors. Stabilant 22 is the conceN T Rate form and must be mixed with pure isopropynol before use. JM recommended using it on all signal-level connections. ConceN T Rate available at partsdrop.com and microtools.com; in Canada, contact D.W. Electrochemicals. (Vol.25 No.12, Vol.36 No.10 WWW)

UpTone Audio USB Regen: $175
UpTone Audio's USB Regen is a wall-wartpowered accessory designed to regenerate both a USB datastream and the USB bus's 5VDC before either makes its way to the DAC in a computer-audio setup. Intended to be installed between the user's computer and DAC—UpTone advises siting the Regen as close as possible to the latter, and includes a solid male-to-male adapter to enable this—the Regen is built into a sturdy aluminum case just slightly larger than a Fig Newton. (The Regen's wall wart is A B Out three times the size of the Regen itself, and is of higher-than-average quality.) As for the Regen's audible effect on a computer-audio system, ML said, "Wow: not subtle," and described the Regen as the most effective such accessory he'd tried. Commenting on the effects of the UpTone Regen on one of his multichannel systems, KR wrote, "all hints of the abiding brightness were eliminated and, as a result, the frequency balance was smooth and unaccented." In a Follow-Up, and JA found that the Regen made no measurable difference in the output signal of an associated USB DAC. He also discovered that installing the Regen without first deselecting the associated DAC as an output device and twice relaunching the file-playing software—once before adding the Regen, and again after installing it and reselecting the DAC—served to prevent his system from playing high-resolution files at anything higher than 16-bit/44.1kHz. Whee! (Vol.38 No.11 WWW)
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