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[耳机] Zanth 回答网友提出的关于PS1000的问题~









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发表于 2009-3-1 22:32:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Are you going to buy the PS1000 yourself?

Yes I am going to buy a pair. I'm not sure when this will happen or how this will happen but it will happen. Until the PS-1000's were announced, I haven't been as excited to buy a headphone since the release of the PS-1. A friend is buying a pair of HD800's and I am excited to have a listen and it would be great if I had the PS-1000's by then to compare and contrast. To date, no Sennheiser has enticed me enough to buy them given alternatives on the market. I had the HE60's when I had the Omega II's on hand. I preferred the Omega's. I've had the HD600's and HD650's but I had the RS-1's, HP-1's and the PS-1's on hand too. I kept the Grados. If I had the opportunity to listen and buy (if I could afford them) the HE90's and I found them to be the best ever, I'd buy them. The only headphone that has me going up and down is the R10. I think their bass is dreadful, but the midrange is interesting and they present the best shimmer of cymbals I've ever heard. Again, if I had the money, I'd own a pair just for that reason. Since I'm not rich, I try to prioritize sonics and Grados do it for me most often, so hence my decisions to work my system around them. The PS-1000's are the best Grado I've heard and because of that, I'll do what I can to buy a pair. For those that are salivating, remember I've heard them and know what I'm missing day in and day out. I had to take a break from listening to my system when I sent them back. I was feeling blue listening to my stuff. Sure that is perhaps selfish and sad at the same time. I mean, I have a great rig, at least to me. But I just missed having the PS-1000's so much. I rediscovered my joy for my other phones after a hiatus, but no doubt about it, I lust after the PS-1000's.

How big is the headstage and soundstage, to what other headphones would you compare it too?

It is as big as the GS-1000's. I've not heard a headphone with a larger headstage or soundstage. I've read many times that the K1000 does offer up quite a bit larger, but then they are properly considered ear speakers, not headphones. Still, if one wants to compare, the best comparison is with the GS-1000.

What kind of music have you listened on these cans, and what source did you use?

I listened to just about everything one could hope for save for death metal. I mostly listened to my preferred genres which are jazz, indie rock and electronica, particularly IDM and ambient. I also listened to a lot of large orchestral works particularly the major repertoire pieces one gets with the major orchestras of the world. My classical collection is pretty large but not as vast as some here.

I used my Shanling, my Gyrodec with orbe platter, a few computers, mostly Macs, and a few iPods as well as a minidisc player.

Does the PS1000 sound better with a paticular kind of music? And not good with others, examples please?

It would depend on what wants out of a headphone. For example, do jazz recordings sound better with the RS-1's or the PS-1000's? Well, I really like the colouration of the RS-1's and find that in most cases this sound is true to life for reeds but the brassy sound of the horns including saxes takes on a more realistic sound with the PS-1000's. Yet, they are not as intimate. How could they be? The sound has one pushed back, not as upfront as RS-1's with flats. So does that mean jazz sounds better on the RS-1's? If one is looking for intimacy, then yes. If one is looking for more separation between the instruments, then no. If one is listening to acoustic guitar then yes. If one is listening to electric guitar, then no. It really depends. However, I wouldn't target any one genre and say "yes, the PS-1000's or bust" mainly because I like the sound of most anything through the RS-1's and PS-1's, or HP-1's for that matter. In the same way, I wouldn't target a single genre and say "never with the PS-1000's". I think that the PS-1000's handle all types of music very well.

Do they sound too bright, too thin, too bassy, or too much of anything with any music which makes them sound inorganic in any way?

If the recording is very bright, or very thin, or very bassy or too much of anything, then my system is resolving enough that it will get through all the way to the PS-1000's and these phones won't hide the faults of the recording. Do these phones accentuate any part of the spectrum? No, but don't think they are ruler flat like the HP-1000's. No headphone, to my ears, is as neutral as an HP-1000. This is both good and bad. I sold them because I found them to be boring and outclassed by the PS-1's. The PS-1000's are better in my opinion than the PS-1's and so I feel the PS-1000's ultimately are better and outclass the HP-1000's. Those that cling to the HP-1000 sound won't find it here, think evolution of PS-1's with the benefits of the RS-1's and GS-1000's rather than a reproduction of HP-1000's. Inorganic was never a characteristic of the PS-1's. The same can be said for the PS-1000's. Note however, that one highly acclaimed aspect of Grados is their organic quality. Some hate this and define this as overly euphonic. Others define this as true to life.

Is the cable the same as the new RS1i, with 4 wires going into each cup?

I have never seen a pair of RS-1i's but the PS-1000's have 4 wires going into each cup, an 8 connector cable splitting off to each driver carrying four wires each side.

Does it have the same headband as the current RS1 and GS1000?

It had the same headband as my GS-1000's, maybe a bit more padding/thicker.

How would you describe the build quality, are these things build to last? How about the Y splitter?

Are they built as well as HP-1000's? No. Are any headphones built as well? No. They are the same overall design as the GS-1000's save for a thicker cable, metal cups instead of wooden cups, and a new driver. Whether that is a tweaked driver or an absolutely new driver, I don't know. I didn't have any problems with the headphones tangling at the Y, but then, the wires were taped together on the unit I had, they were not the molded cable we see on the other Grados.

What do you think is the closest 'brother' to the sound of the PS1000?

I would describe them as closet to the PS-1's with the soundscape of GS-1000's, but with a tonal sound closer to a hybrid of RS-1's and PS-1's and the transparency of the GS-1000's.

If there was ANYTHING you could say, could be improved on the PS1000, what would it be?

If one is looking for absolute terms, I would want metal clamps with screws, and perhaps velour padding, but this is just cosmetics here. If one were to put a PS-1 up against the HP-1, there is not much difference save for the screws and metal clamps. The cable is actually better on the PS-1, the headband is thinker on the PS-1 and the metal is of the same or better quality. Overall, save for the metal clamps and screws, the PS-1 is actually a better built phone. So here, the PS-1000's offers a better cable to the PS-1's, a headband that is at least as thick, metal work that is as good if not better, but with the added advantage of having wooden enclosures which benefits the sound in my opinion.

If one is asking could there be improvements to the sound, I say ALWAYS. I mean, who wouldn't want even more? I'd want a wider and deeper soundstage and headstage so it sounded like I was listening to a live performance, even better than what speakers can do. I'd want more air between the notes, etc...but then we are asking for magical transducers which no company of any type offers. Are these the perfect headphone? Again, no headphone will ever be perfect. Is this the perfect Grado to date? In my opinion yes and I also feel it is the best sounding headphone I've heard to date. Still waiting to hear the HE90, Qualia and these Sennheiser HD800's. But save for the HE90's, I doubt the other two would wow me enough to call them the best available. But time will tell!

Do you know what driver they use in the PS1000, in your review you mention "The driver has been changed, has been improved", so I didn't understand, if it is an excisting driver that is changed (and if so, do you know from which headphone driver?), or a total new driver?

Not sure if it is a completely new driver or a maxed out driver from another line or headphone.

Do those letters/printings on the metal cup scratch off easily?

If they tend to be anything like the ones on my PS-1, then no one has to worry about the lettering unless one files them off.

Do they ship in the new mahogany box or a cardboard box?

Apparently they do! But I don't know for sure. I read Todd say yes, then no...

Do you think that the PS1000 would be a great pair of headphones for hard-rock and metal music ? Especially for bands like Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Rush & Iron Maiden ?

I think so. They are fast, have excellent extension and really shine with electric guitar.

Are there things that the PS1, RS1 and/or HP1000 do better then the PS1000?

As I mentioned above, yes and no. HP-1000's are ruler flat to my ears. So flat that things are boring. No headphone I've ever heard have been as neutral as an HP-1000. The PS-1000's are not as neutral as the HP-1000's to my ears. However, I didn't have them on hand but from memory and I owned a lot of pairs over the years...no, not as neutral.

They are not as intimate as phones that use the supraaural pads. Nature of the beast. If one wants to have the performers spitting on them...look to RS-1's with flats, or PS-1's with flats (though I never preferred the PS-1's with flats, only bowls). Otherwise, I think the PS-1000's better the other Grados in every way.

When you have the PS1000, would there be any reasons to still use the PS1 or (I know you don't have one anymore, but had several) HP1000?

If I were a recording engineer, I may want to use HP-1000's in conjunction with the PS-1000's. I don't foresee any reason to use the PS-1's when the PS-1000's are on hand unless I wanted a more intimate sound. By that I mean WAY up close. Otherwise, no way.

How does it compare to likes of HD650, DT880, D7000 (with their respective strength) audibly?

I've never heard the D7000. I've only heard the DT880 for a short time so I wouldn't want to compare. HD650's been too long ago to give specifics.

How would you compare the sound of the PS1000 to the PS1 and the HP1000?

I'm pretty sure I covered this in the review. If not specific enough, I'll update here.

How different is the sound from the GS1000(i)?

I've never heard the i version

Do you think it's reasonable to assume that the PS1000 is just the GS1000i with metal cups. if not, then why?

In my line of work I'm trained never to assume anything. I try to live by that as well. I haven't seen a pair of GS-1000i's let alone heard a pair. Do the GS-1000i's have the same cable? Do the GS-1000i's have the same driver? If yes, then do the PS-1000's take the improved GS-1000i drivers natively or are there additional improvements?

Too many questions to which I have no answer. Again, I've never heard any of the updated headphones so I have no clue.

Does it sound like it's worth $1700? (i.e how does it compare to the Edition 9, L3000, PS1, R10?)

What does $1700 worth of headphones sound like? I never thought the R10's were worth $1000 let alone $1700. L3000's I wouldn't have ever paid $1700 for... it was tough paying $1400 for the PS-1's because it was at the upper end of my audio budget. Never heard an Ed. 9 and from the Ultrasones I've heard, I'm not really enthusiastic overall about their products, this leaves electrostats and the PS-1000. The only headphones I'd think about paying $1700 for would be the PS-1000's and the Omega II's. I'd do it for the HE90's too mind you, even without hearing. Just because they have such a stature and so many say they are the best ever produced. Omega II's do things no other headphone can do. I may not cherish all aspects, but they are incredible for low level late night listening. PS-1000's offer almost everything I want in a headphone lacking only those things that I mentioned above. So, are they worth $1700? That is individual. Will I pay $1700 for them? Yes, I will and I'm going to have to sell stuff to do it, but I define this as incremental jumps over time rather than shelling out $1700 all at once. That is how I justify it to myself and to my wife Otherwise...$1700 is a big chunk towards many things, particularly speakers of which I don't have anything worth listening to seriously. Speakers mean my kids and my wife can partake all at once. This is something I'm cherishing more and more each day. However, buying ancillary gear for good speakers is costly too, years off for me, so I can justify the PS-1000's.

Although several good qualities are attributed to the PS-1, it is perhaps best known as being one of two headphones with fantastic bass impact (the other being the L3000). Does the PS1000 deliver the same bass impact as the PS-1?

I never found the L3000 to have phenomenal bass impact. Perhaps the best of the closed headphones I've heard...but I would take nearly any top open headphone ultimately. I'm not a fan of closed headphones, so I'm biased here. I never find they sound natural. So are the L3000's hard hitting? Certainly not as slamming as the HP-1000's which have the snappiest bass I've ever heard. The PS-1's had the most authority until I heard the PS-1000's. Because of the space it's easier to hear the decay. If I had to grade the three metal Grados from memory, I would say the HP-1000's have the most significant attack, it seems to be faster than the PS-1's and PS-1000's because it lacks the nice decay of the other two. Transients belong to the PS-1000's and so does the decay. This is from memory with the HP-1000's. From my direct comparison, PS-1000 had better bass in every way to the PS-1.

Can you tell us about harshness? This is often a problem for me with current production grados, esspecially the GS1000, which are unlistenable to me. Can you comment on harshness in comparison to HP1000 and RS1 (with flats)? Or if not harshness, then just treble quantity?

How amp dependant are these, what amps have you tried them on?

They did well with the Melos, VERY well. I really liked them this way, more than the RS-1's or GS-1000's. Very in line with the PS-1's and HP-1000's in this way. However, very often I just have a soft spot for the HP4. Ultimately I would be happy to have the PS-1000's powered by either of these amps. The only other amp I used was the RA-1, which also did very well but I think of the three, the HP4 was my favourite. (this is the Melos SHA-X, and EAR HP4)

Have you tried the PS-1000 straight out of an iPod or other DAP? How does that sound compared to using a portable or desktop amp?

That is going to be up to the individual. I listened via the RA-1, straight from my Macbook Pro, straight from my iPod Nano and a Shuffle! They sounded good this way. Not out of this world mind you, yes, they need an amp. Like any top phone to sound their best, but can one get away with lesser items in the interim? Yes, far easier to deal with than the GS-1000 in my opinion.

Without an equally impressive source/amp are these headphones worth getting?

See above.

|----Grado Coop----|
What kind of warranty service is provided for defective PS1000 pieces?

I don't know if there is a special warranty with them, but I can't see them having anything less than what Grado currently offers through authorized dealers.

Can we expect correct SPL ratings some day? 98db/1mV is simply unbelievable.

No idea

What is the maximum power rating of Grado headphones?

No idea, but my 1 Watt Ear HP4 was able to push them and although I could never listen at full for very long, there didn't seem to be any troubles at 1 Watt. Again, I may have run at that insane level for a minute. I'd be deaf if I went longer.

What are the electrical limits of the driver keeping it alive when driven loud?

What is maxium nominal input power for PS-1000s?

No numbers to provide but my Ipod Nano 2G was able to drive them well enough that I was rocking out. Yeah, they sure did better with the home amps, but like all Grados, which seem to be in the 32 ohm range, they can keep one popping with even flea powered devices.

Could you give us some figure (grams/ounce) on its weight? I have a neck problem so would like precise detail on this, many thanks.

I didn't weigh them, but they didn't feel very heavy when I was wearing them. So long as one uses the pads they come with, one shouldn't worry too much about the weight.

Will the PS-1000 be a limited edition?

I don't think so by the looks of the website, but I don't know for sure. Will they be as limited as the PS-1's? I doubt it since they are already available for pre-order by many sites and will have wide release on March 1st. From what I can tell, as the new flagship model, they will be long term.

Will the PS-1000 eventually change/incorporate an (i)?

No idea

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